My favorite singer is and always will be Miley Cyrus.
I met her by the famous television series where she starred in Hannah Montana. She acted like a famous pop star and that's where I started to learn his songs, videos and choreographies.

When they stopped broadcasting the series, Miley continued to sing but not because of her role in the series, but that now in a more personal way.
I liked it and I still like it because I feel that it has a different voice from the other singers I've heard, more husky and with rhythm.
His performances are spectacular and has gone through styles such as country, pop, a bit of rock and also by changes in his personality with controversies that have given a lot to talk about.
Even so, I feel that I will always be your fan until she decides to leave the music that I hope will never happen.
I'm a big fan and I can prove it because I went to the two concerts he did in Chile, and for the second one I was in the front row, practically next to her. I can even say that it was one of the best days of my life because I saw her up close, I cried, I sang and even in a moment I reached out to touch her hand, it was one of the great joys I have had.


  1. When I was little I saw Hannah Montana and I liked it a lot, I even saw the movie.


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